Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Azure: Creating a route table in Bicep and addressing linter rule warning

 I was creating a route table in Bicep and using an example from MSFT, see example here.

The example uses the 'contains' function which throws a warning when deploying with a suggestion to simplify the syntax. Below you can see the warning:

The warning links to the Linter rule - use safe access page.

The suggested change can be seen below. It still performs the same function - it checks if the value exists, if it does, it uses it, if not it sets the value to null.

The updated example can be found on Github here (it uses routes for Databricks as an example, but can be replaced with your own routes).

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Azure: Creating a naming convention for cloud resources

 Creating a maintaining a well functioning naming convention can be surprisingly difficult. And it can lead to many a heated discussion. One of the reasons for this is that there isn't necessarily one right answer and in the end it's about convention and just making a decision and sticking to it.

To help out with the standardization of naming resources in Azure, MSFT has a good article, under the Cloud Adoption Framework, which has suggestions for most of the Azure resources. It's a good starting point: