This article is just to collect some of the Git commands that are being used on a regular basis.
Git commands for daily work
git clone <https link to repo> (clone a remote repo. Make sure you’re
in the correct directory when running)
git pull (sync the latest changes from remote repo)
git checkout -b feature/new_branch_name (create new feature branch)
git checkout main (switch to main branch)
git add -A (pre-commit command to add all new files to local staging, run this before local commit)
git commit -a -m "adding a test file"
(commit all files to local branch and add a message)
git push --set-upstream origin feature/testingbranch (publish local branch to remote repo, use the same name as the current feature
git branch -d localBranchName (delete local branch)
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName (delete branch remotely)
git branch -l (list branches)
Git commands configuring Git
git config --global "First Last" (user name and email should be set up as a one time config)
git config --global
git config --global core.longpaths true (fixes an error with long path names)
git config --list (show git config)
git config --list --show-origin (show git config including where variables are defined)
git config --global http. https://someaddress (this is a proxy related setting)
git config --global http.
negotiate (this is a proxy related setting)
git config --global http.
git config --global --edit (edit the global config file in VI editor)
git config --global --replace-all "username" (replaces current user name)
git config --global --replace-all <>
git config --unset-all credential.helper (unset named settings)
git config --global --set credential.helper (set the credentials helper type)