Sunday, July 10, 2022

Azure: Deploy Azure Firewall in availability zones using Bicep

 Microsoft has some great Quickstart templates for deploying resources as codes. For this post I've looked at deploying an Azure Firewall into multiple availability zones using Bicep.

The Quickstart guide used can be found here.

The template needs only a few changes. I updated the VNet name and IP address info and inserted a reference to a key vault for the VM admin password.

My updated files can be found on Github (fw-conn-weu-001.bicep and fw-conn-weu-001.parameters.json).

The firewall is deployed into three availability zones in West Europe. This increases the availability to 99.99%. There is still only one logical firewall deployed, so the increased availability is managed in the background by Microsoft. And from a Azure Portal point of view it looks the same as if only deploying to one availability zone.

The availability zones can be verified under Azure Firewall -> Properties, see below:

There is no immediate additional cost to deploying to multiple availability zones, however, there is an increased bandwidth cost, see below (or link):

The bicep file deploys the following resources:

If you are testing in a Visual Studio subscription make sure to delete resources again when done as the cost of especially the FW can run up quickly.

One network rule and one application rule are added under Firewall -> Rules (classic) -> Network/Application rule collection tabs, see below. Usually a Firewall Policy will be created and associated with the FW but for testing purposes this can be used.

Using the Bicep visualizer from VS Code you can get a nice graphical overview of the resources to be deployed. To do this, right click the bicep file in VS code and choose "Open Bicep Visualizer", see below: 

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