If it's you first time trying it out it can be a little tiring to figure out the order in which the apps are to be installed, so here's a quick getting started guide:
1. Install Microsoft Powershell. Link can be found at MS site. If you're running WinXP, look for "Windows Management Framework Core (WinRM 2.0 and Windows PowerShell 2.0)"
2. Install the VI Toolkit 1.5 (for Windows), use the same link as above. If you receive a warning related to Powershell execution policy, then openPowershell from Start -> Programs and run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
3. Go to Powergui.org and install Powergui. During installation, choose to install the VI Client plugin.
4. Install the Powergui VMware Powerpack, click here. Look for the XML file, VMware.VIToolkit.powerpack. Download file. Open Powergui. Right click root note and choose import. Import the .xml you just downloaded. Done.
5. To add a host or a VC server, open Powergui, expand the VMware folder, choose 'Managed host', and choose 'Add connection' in the menu to the right. This will give you a nice recognisable view like the one from the VI client.
I follow your and Virtu-al's instructions, but continue to get "The term 'vDiagram.ps1' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file. Verify the term and try again.
ReplyDeleteI am at the [VI Toolkit] prompt with the vDiagram.ps1 script file in the current directory. Any clues as to what I am doing wrong?